Message From Your Ward 5 Councillor, George Chahal
Hello Ward 5 residents!
I have had the privilege to represent Ward 5 since 2017 and have shared responsibility for Ward 10 since last year. It was a difficult year for all Calgarians, as we lived through the global pandemic together.
My parents are over 75, and we have struggled with being apart from them. All of us have friends and family who have suffered as businesses have been told to shut down. We have made significant sacrifices for the greater good and have been able to successfully bend the curve.
We shop in the same stores, we eat in the same restaurants, and we work all over the city. Northeast Calgarians have led by example throughout the pandemic by working essential jobs and volunteering. We have large numbers of newcomers, front line workers, and residents working in the hospitality and transportation sectors. I am asking all residents of Northeast Calgary to do one more thing: please receive the vaccine when it’s available.
Many people do not trust governments, having received conflicting information from various sources. Trust must be earned, and it is so often not. Your elected officials, I included, have been far from perfect. I acknowledge your frustrations. However, I ask all of you to consider the opportunity in front of us.
When we get vaccinated, we are looking after our neighbors, fellow workers, health care providers, teachers, and seniors. We are giving our children the opportunity to learn and play together. We are supporting local businesses by ensuring another wave does not result in closures.
Achieving herd immunity will allow us to resume our favourite activities and events sooner. We must work together to get there! Please get vaccinated so we can all enjoy festivals, weddings, birthdays, and all the in-person human connection that is deeply needed.
When the vaccine becomes available to me, I will be receiving it. I hope you do the same, and I sincerely thank those who already have.
George Chahal, Ward 5 Councillor
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